NihAV Game Tool
This is a side project based on NihAV code that tries to do just one task: convert various game (and related) formats into raw video/audio/image sequence for further processing.
Please see
inside the archive for the list of supported formats and
in the same place for overall documentation.
For those too lazy to read it, it can be built with Rust 1.69.0 or later simply by invoking cargo build --release
(there are no extenral dependencies).
Converting can be done by invoking na_game_tool infile outfile.avi
if you're lucky, if not you have to provide format name e.g. na_game_tool -f crh-de sc02.crh outfile.avi
Good luck!
0.3.0 — March 2025
This version contains the following improvements:
- even more improved OpenDML AVI support (creating even larger files is allowed, proper reported duration);
- improved support for different flavours of NXL (yes, again);
- some more supported formats.
Support for the following game video formats has been added:
- Alien Incident CDA2
- Ascon animation (used in Elisabeth I / Gloriana game)
- Baldies BAL
- Beam Software SIFF formats (video and sound ones, used in several games)
- Caiman MXV (used in Yo, Matías series)
- Cyclemania animations
- Harvester FCMP (audio) and FST (video)
- Jazz Jackrabbit 2 cutscenes
- Los Justicieros / Zorton Brothers VIP (used in PC port of the game)
- cutscenes from various Ready Soft PC ports of the games (Brain Dead 13, Dragon's Lair, and Space Ace somewhat)
- Psychic Detective STR
- Ravenloft ANM
- Soul Hunt VID (paletted/RLE version only)
- System Shock videos (and audio logs)
- Thunder in Paradise DRL
- Wing Nuts and Lodestar scenes
- Xilam DERF (audio and video used in Stupid Invaders)
0.2.5 — November 2024
This version contains the following improvements:
- the tool finally can report its version;
- improved OpenDML AVI support (now it will be used automatically for large AVI files);
- improved support for different flavours of NXL and VDO;
- some more supported formats.
Support for the following game video formats has been added:
- Actimagine VX
- Cydonia Paco
- Death Rally HAF
- Hercules ETV
- Legend Entertainment Q
- PACo (used e.g. in Hellcab or Iron Helix)
- Sierra robot animation
- Stardock VDO
- VIDPAK (aka Ratvideo, used in some EA games)
0.2.0 — September 2024
This version contains the following improvements:
- better format autodetection;
- OpenDML AVI support (for writing too large AVI files);
- image sequence now can output BMP files in addition to PPM;
- bugfixes for the AVI writer;
- more supported formats.
The support for the following game videos has been added:
- Conquest Earth
- Defcon V (its own special format present in some game versions; others use Smacker instead)
- Fable (1996 game from Simbiosis Interactive)
- Highlander: The Last of the MacLeods (unpublished PC version)
- Jack Orlando
- Little Big Adventure
- Magic Carpet
- Microcosm
- Network Q RAC Rally
- Pray for Death
- The Pandora Directive
- Talisman
- Terminal Velocity
- Time Commando
- Under a Killing Moon
- Zork Grand Inquisitor and Zork Nemesis (RLF sprites)
- generic FLIC decoder
- various games from Arxel Tribe (e.g. Casanova, Faust, The Final Cut, Ring 1 and 2, others)
- various games from Nova Logic (e.g. Comanche, Comanche Gold, Werewolf vs. Comanche, others)
0.1.0 — July 2024
The initial release with basic functionality present and a dozen of various game formats supported.
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